今天跟一个很久不了的朋友聊起来了,他说想让我帮一个忙,给他一些关于计算机方面的信息,大概是以前聊天的时候说起我老公专业是infomatiker,后来我有事情,就让他发邮件把详细需要知道的告诉我,但是收到了之后觉得很不能理解,好像是说自己和老婆开了一个公司,然后自己的毕业论文在自己公司工作的时候写,大概是找不到让他可以工作又可以写毕业论文的公司还是什么,我都不太懂…… 是不是说这个公司是名义上的,只为了写论文?但是公司既然是e business,当然要知道一些相关的知识,所以让我给一些信息是吗?$汗$我实在是搞不懂,请大虾帮我看看啦!$送花$ $送花$I have a small company with my distribution wife, then the idea is to make a "e-procedurement" but so that it is a topic been worth for my thesis it has to have something of innovation. It is there where I need the help for podeer to thoroughly understand EDI and other technologies that intervene to be able to make a good proposal.
Or if the one had other points of view in that to investigate is not problem, I understand that in Germany they are quite bound to what is not robotics you... maybe it could be a possibility. But I also have to see him to be viable because then I'll have to implement it 请问他是哪里人啊,为什么用broken English发邮件,你读不懂真是太正常了,大概没人能懂吧$郁闷$ 原来是这样啊!现在了解了,我不知道他是哪里人啊,这个国家我没听说过,又不好意思问$汗$