德国有没有 航海工程,海运管理或者轮机及工程的双语master项目 呢?有谁知道么? 到studienwahl的网站里去搜搜就行了.Hochschulekompass也提供课程搜索服务。网址都是加个.de 我觉得可能性比较小, 最多这个是一个方向, 但是成为一个专业可能性小, 毕竟德国是一个大陆国家。 谢谢版主,感觉象发钱似的,幸福呵 Thank you very much foryour help .Here is the standard English name for it:Navigation: nautical science, ship operations engineering
I found it the description here :
Can anyone here tell me where to find the universities that provide Master admissions? The guy who want to applied for an admission already got a bachelor in China.
Some one told me there is no Diplom in Germany anymore. But I saw "diplom" on the webpage. feel confused........
[ 本帖最后由 juice 于 2007-1-27 19:04 编辑 ] 原帖由 juice 于 2007-1-27 18:52 发表
Thank you very much foryour help .
Here is the standard English name for it:Navigation: nautical science, ship operations engineering
I found it the description here :
http://www-en. ...
德国大学改革了, Diplom 基本上都会被取消掉的, 现在正处在改革进程中。 HS Wismar / Warnemünde Nautical Science / Transport Management (D) ... FH Flensburg Ship Operations and Ship Operations Engineering (D) ...
I find something by www.google.de...........