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Apple has announced a range of new features aimed at making iPhones and other devices safer for kids.苹果宣布了一系列新功能,旨在让iPhone和其他设备对儿童更安全。The new tools will make it easier for parents to set up child accounts so that they will be able to use existing parental controls, for instance. It will also let parents more easily share information about their children's age, and new ways for them to see information about the kinds of content that their kids are accessing.这些新工具将让家长们更容易为儿童设置账户,从而能够使用现有的家长控制功能,比如限制使用时间等。此外,家长们还能更轻松地分享孩子的年龄信息, 并且能通过新的方式查看孩子所访问的内容类型。It comes amid increasing concern that children could be at risk by using smart devices and the wide variety of often unregulated content that they can potentially be used to access.此举出台之际,人们对于儿童使用智能设备可能面临的风险日益担忧,因为这些设备可以访问到大量往往不受监管的内容。Apple acknowledged those risks in an announcement that said the new tools had been built in recognition of the fact that "the digital world is increasingly complex and the risks to families are ever-changing, including the proliferation of age-inappropriate content and excessive time on social media and other platforms".苹果在一份公告中承认了这些风险,并表示这些新工具是在认识到“数字世界日益复杂,家庭面临的风险不断变化, 包括年龄不适当内容的泛滥以及在社交媒体和其他平台上花费过多时间”这一事实的基础上开发的。The most prominent new feature is a new set-up tool that will allow parents to more easily sign-up with a child account. Apple says that will make it more easy for parents to start their kids on a new device – and should mean that they are able to start using it more safely straight away.最引人注目的新功能是一个新的设置工具,它将允许家长们更容易地为孩子注册儿童账户。苹果表示,这将使家长们更容易为孩子在新设备上开始使用之旅,并且意味着他们能够立即更安全地使用该设备。Other new features compliment those accounts. Adults can now more easily register and change their children's age, and Apple said that it will update its age ratings, add more information on product pages and make it safer to browse the App Store.其他新功能则是对这些账户的补充。现在,成年人可以更容易地注册和更改孩子的年龄信息,苹果表示,它将更新其年龄评级系统, 在产品页面上添加更多信息,并使浏览App Store更加安全。In a white paper announcing the new features, Apple said it was "staying true to our core values of protecting both user privacy and safety". The conflict between those two goals has proven problematic for Apple in the past.在一份宣布新功能的白皮书中,苹果表示,它“始终坚守保护用户隐私和安全的核心价值观”。过去,苹果在平衡这两个目标时曾遇到过问题。In 2021, for instance, Apple said that it would introduce new automated systems that would scan users' photos for child sexual abuse material. Apple said that it had built the feature with privacy in mind, so that the company would not be able to see the photos, for instance.例如,在2021年,苹果表示将推出新的自动化系统,用于扫描用户照片中的儿童性虐待材料。苹果表示,它在开发该功能时考虑到了隐私,因此例如公司无法看到这些照片。But it immediately received criticism from security experts and privacy campaigners, who said that it could be abused to compromise users' safety. It initially said that it was pausing the rollout and it later abandoned the project.但这一功能立即遭到了安全专家和隐私保护活动家的批评,他们认为该功能可能被滥用,从而危及用户的安全。苹果最初表示将暂停推出该功能,后来则完全放弃了该项目。