作者:微信文章“一天一点”会员口语群2025年第3期招生继续,详情请点击:招生简章| "一天一点"会员口语群2025年第3期招生继续!
Grandmothers in China are enchanted by "AI grandsons", who, at just one year old, can prepare a dinner and even lift a roasted pig, bringing laughter and companionship to them.
中国奶奶们对“AI孙子”着迷不已,这些“孙子”虽仅一岁大,却能准备晚餐,甚至举起烤乳猪, 为她们带来欢笑与陪伴。
This trend emerged during the Lunar New Year when family members returned home to find their grandmothers joyfully watching a group of chubby toddlers dressed in festive red attire, affectionately dubbed "AI grandsons".这一趋势在春节期间涌现,家人们回家时发现奶奶们正开心地观看一群穿着节日红色服装的胖嘟嘟的幼儿的视频, 他们被亲切地称为“AI孙子”。
Although these characters are products of artificial intelligence technology, the grandmothers perceive them as real babies. In some online videos, the "AI grandsons" are depicted as plump infants confidently walking while holding gold ingots, radiating big smiles.尽管这些角色是人工智能技术的产物,但奶奶们却把他们当作真实的孩子。在一些网络视频中,“AI孙子”被描绘成胖乎乎的婴儿,自信地走着,手里拿着金元宝,脸上洋溢着灿烂的笑容。
Footage captures a one-year-old successfully lifting a roasted pig with his bare hands and delivering it barefoot to his grandma's home.画面捕捉到一名一岁大的“孙子”举起一只烤乳猪,光着脚把它送到奶奶家。
In another clip, an AI baby in a diaper is seen alone in a field picking eggplants, washing vegetables, and then grabbing a kitchen knife to chop ingredients, preparing dinner that includes three dishes and soup for the entire family.在另一段视频中,一个穿着尿不湿的AI宝宝独自在田里摘茄子、洗菜, 然后拿起菜刀切食材,为全家人准备包括三菜一汤的晚餐。
In some other clips, an AI baby, merely a few months old, expertly wields chopsticks to eat a generous bowl of noodles drizzled with chilli oil.在其他片段中,一个仅几个月大的AI宝宝熟练地用筷子吃着一大碗淋了辣椒油的面条。
Although younger family members can quickly identify flaws in the videos – such as the awkward way the child holds the bowl or the sudden appearance of a single chopstick – the grandmothers remain captivated.尽管年轻的家人能迅速识别出视频中的瑕疵,比如孩子拿碗的笨拙方式或突然出现的单根筷子,但奶奶们依然被深深吸引。
One grandmother marvelled, saying: "Wow, look how well he eats! He's so young and already knows how to use chopsticks. What a delightful little person."一位奶奶惊叹道:“哇,看他吃得多好!这么小就会用筷子了。真是个可爱的小家伙。”
In other entertaining videos featuring toddlers playfully interacting with chickens in the yard, these grandmothers felt a personal connection as they worried about their "AI grandsons" safety, expressing concern: "Be careful, darling! I'm worried about your little eyes getting poked by the chickens."在另一些有趣的视频中,幼儿们在院子里与鸡嬉戏互动, 这些奶奶们感到了一种个人联系,担心他们的“AI孙子”的安全,表达着担忧:“小心点,宝贝!我担心鸡会啄到你的眼睛。”
As these AI grandsons keep grandmothers smiling, young family members attempt to point out that they are artificial creations, but this only frustrates the grandmothers.当这些AI孙子让奶奶们笑容满面时,年轻的家人试图指出他们是人工创造的, 但这只会让奶奶们感到沮丧。
"Fake? But look how cute they are! I think you're the fake one!" they might scold their own grandchildren instead.“假的?但看看他们多可爱啊!我觉得你才是假的!”她们可能会反过来训斥自己的孙子孙女。
Chinese netizens have expressed understanding towards the grandmothers seeking emotional support amid their loneliness.中国网民对奶奶们在孤独中寻求情感支持表示理解。
One person commented: "Instead of repeatedly telling these grandmas that it is fake, as long as they're not spending money, just let them enjoy it however they wish."一人评论道:“与其反复告诉这些奶奶这是假的,只要她们不花钱, 就让她们想怎么享受就怎么享受吧。”
Another added: "I envision a future where these AI grandsons host live-streaming sessions to market products. Just imagine a child finishing their line with, 'Grandma, I want to eat this! It's so delicious!' If elderly viewers, already inclined to believe these children are real, continue watching, they may genuinely trust it and make purchases."另一人补充道:“我想象着未来的某一天,这些AI孙子会主持直播推销产品。想象一下,一个孩子以‘奶奶,我想吃这个!太好吃了!’作为结束语。如果老年观众已经倾向于相信这些孩子是真实的,并继续观看, 他们可能会真正信任并购买产品。”
"These elderly individuals long for companionship, and only such AI videos can provide them with a semblance of comfort," remarked another online viewer.“这些老年人渴望陪伴,只有这样的AI视频才能给他们带来一丝安慰,” 另一位网友评论道。
“一天一点”会员口语群2025年第3期招生继续,详情请点击:招生简章| "一天一点"会员口语群2025年第3期招生继续!