《Initiatives on Universal Accessibility Development under the “Belt and Road” Framework》
2019年10月11日 中国北京
October 11,2019China.Beijing
We, as representativesof young students from Relevant countries and regionsalong the Belt and RoadInitiative (BRI) who are concerned with development of universal accessibility,attended the forum on accessibility of disability affairs under the framework of the BRI on October 11, 2019, jointly sponsored by Rehabilitation International, China Disabled Persons’ Federation, and Tsinghua University.
For thousands of years,the Silk Road has forged a Silk Road spirit featuring peaceful cooperation,openness and inclusiveness, mutual learning, mutual benefit, and win-win.During the forum, we followed principles of consultation, co-construction,andsharing and upheld the spirit of the Silk Road by communicating and interactingwith government decision-makers, officials of international organizations, andexperts and scholars from universities in BRI countries to discuss theaccessibility development experiences and development trends of variouscountries. As forum participants, we are well aware that BRI is in line withthe United Nations' 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and we areconvinced that accessibility development plays an irreplaceable and essentialrole in achieving the goal of BRI.
BRI embodiessustainability, civilization,and inclusiveness; the development achievements of BRI should benefit everyone. However, these achievements might not be ableto be shared due to obstacles that we may face at some point in our lives -obstacles of action and perception. Our vision is that people in BRIcountries and regions and even in other countriesall over the world -regardless of gender, age, culture, religion, social habitsand physical and mental status - can all share the fruits of development andcan freely, independently, equally, safely, healthily, and conveniently utilizehuman settlement environment and basic services, as well as obtain,process,and use information.
On July 28,2019,the Accessibility Environment Construction Think Tank launched the Accessibility Action (2019-2022) in Shanghai, China. It conducted eight major accessibility actions in vision, hearing, movement, residence,work,travel,guide,andsharing. The purpose of this was to promote the universal benefit, integration,and application effectiveness of accessibility environment construction, aswell as to create an accessibility environment that everyone needs,participates in,and shares,while eliminating discrimination,respecting life,safeguarding rights,and integrating development. On the basis of mutualrecognition and consensus on this beautiful vision,in order to enable allpeople to share the development results at any stage of the life cycle,wehereby introduce the following initiatives:
1. “一带一路”始终是多方参与、共同建设的平台,我们倡导“一带一路”相关国家和地区的无障碍发展应遵循丝路精神,坚持共商共建共享的核心理念。“一带一路”相关国家和地区应主动创造机会推进交流,分享各国成效良好的无障碍建设经验,并结合自身实际国情互学互鉴,共同建设无障碍环境。
1. BRI has always been aplatform for multi-participation and joint effort. We advocate that the accessibility development of BRI countries and regions should follow the SilkRoad spirit, adhere to the core concept of consultation, co-construction, andsharing. BRI countries and regions should take the initiative to createopportunities to promote exchanges, share their experience in successful accessibility construction, and learn from each other based on their nationalconditions in order to jointly build an accessibility environment.
2. 我们希望政府在建设无障碍的过程中,要倾听行动和感知不便群体的意见。政府应经常围绕无障碍发展的主题开展国际间的交流与合作,并且尤其鼓励行动和感知不便群体参与其中。
2. We hope that thegovernment will listen to the voices of people with difficulties in mobilityand perception in the process of creating accessibility. The government shouldcarry out international exchanges and cooperation frequently centering onaccessibility development and especially encourage the participation of peoplewith mobility and perception impairments.
3. 拥有不同专业背景的我们达到共识,无障碍环境建设需要各行各业的联动发展,需要跨学科跨领域的交流合作。我们呼吁不同行业的人们通力合作,以不同的专业视角,在各自领域践行通用无障碍理念,共同推动“一带一路”相关国家和地区的无障碍环境发展。
3. With different professional backgrounds, we have reached a consensus that the construction of accessibility environment requires the development of all industries as well asinterdisciplinary exchanges and cooperation. We call on people from all walksof life to work together to promote the universal accessibility concept intheir respective fields from different professional perspectives and jointlypush forward the development of accessibility environment in BRI countries andregions.
4. 我们不仅呼吁无障碍在设施、政策、制度上的完善,也呼吁无障碍在社会文化、公众意识上的进步。我们倡导“一带一路”相关国家和地区共同携手,创新宣传渠道,让通用无障碍理念深入人心,不断提升无障碍的公众意识。
4. We not only call forthe improvement of accessibility facilities,policies,and systems,but alsofor the progress of accessibility in social culture and public awareness. Weadvocate for BRI countries and regions to join hands and discover new ways todisseminate so that the concept of universal accessibility can take root andpublic awareness of accessibility will be continuously enhanced.
5. 青年人不仅是一个国家的希望,更是代表着全球发展的未来。青年人应勇于担当,在“一带一路”国际合作平台上充分展现自己的情怀和领导力,做一名通用无障碍发展的贡献者,努力在青年群体甚至全社会中传播和推广通用无障碍。我们希望“一带一路”相关国家和地区的青年人能够联合起来,秉承《通用无障碍发展北京宣言》的精神,把以上倡议化作实际行动,定期举行通用无障碍相关主题的青年论坛,促进对话、能力建设和资源共享,推动残障平等与融合。
5. The youth representnot only the hope of a country, but also the future of global development.Young people should have the courage to take on responsibilities, pursue theirambitions, and display leadership on the international cooperation platform ofBRI, contributing to the development of universal accessibility and striving tospread and promote universal accessibility among their peers and even societyas a whole. We hope that young people from BRI countries and regions can unitetogether, adhere to the spirit of the Beijing Declaration on Universal Accessibility Development, transform the above initiatives into actions, holdyouth forums regularly on universal accessibility related topics, promotedialogue, capacity-building and resource sharing, and propel equal access andinclusive development for people with disabilities.
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