winefish 发表于 2005-10-4 18:11


找个地方哭一下!我9月16号在柏林签的,还在check中!我的会是下个星期五. 看来我和老公度假的计划也只能推迟了!希望不要彻底拒绝我才好!苦呀 $怕怕$ $怕怕$

[ 本帖最后由 winefish 于 2005-10-4 20:05 编辑 ]

flyingpig 发表于 2005-10-4 18:23

你要是没通过machine name check, 现在在FBI那manual check的话, 时间就长了.通常98%通过machine check.其他的大部分3个月完成, 也有很少部分超过3个月.

winefish 发表于 2005-10-4 19:07

那我怎么知道我是被machine check 了,还是被fbi check 了


flyingpig 发表于 2005-10-4 20:53

原帖由 winefish 于 2005-10-4 20:07 发表
这个只有等.machine check很快.如果你一个半月还没拿到visa,通常是没通过machine check.主要是中国人名字普遍.你的名字如果普遍, 通不过machine check的可能就会大.

minority2004 发表于 2005-10-5 12:42

3 weeks, still waiting....:cool:

[ 本帖最后由 minority2004 于 2005-10-5 13:44 编辑 ]

skykittey 发表于 2005-10-6 00:52


minority2004 发表于 2005-10-8 09:17

From homepage of US consulate in Frankfurt

Typical Wait Time (Calendar Days*) for a Nonimmigrant Visa Interview Appointment

Visitors Visas: 4 Days
Student/Exchange Visitors Visas: 4 Days
All Other Nonimmigrant Visas: 4 Days

Typical Wait Time (Workdays**) for a Nonimmigrant Visa To Be Processed***: 2 Days

*Calendar days refer to every day of the week, including days when embassies are closed (such as weekends and holidays).

**Work days refer only to days when the embassy is open and does not include weekends and holidays.

***IMPORTANT NOTE: Processing wait time DOES NOT include the time required for additional special clearance or administrative processing. These procedures require additional time. Most special clearances are resolved within 30 days of application. When additional administrative processing is required, the timing will vary based on individual circumstances of each case.

[ 本帖最后由 minority2004 于 2005-10-8 10:21 编辑 ]

winefish 发表于 2005-10-8 12:25

呵呵! 谢谢大家支持!

我刚刚得知 华盛顿的check已经完毕,下周一可能就有结果了. 有点忐忑,更多的是期盼... :)

flyingpig 发表于 2005-10-8 22:06

原帖由 winefish 于 2005-10-8 13:25 发表
我刚刚得知 华盛顿的check已经完毕,下周一可能就有结果了. 有点忐忑,更多的是期盼... :)

winefish 发表于 2005-10-10 16:05

大哭!怎么这个embassy 这么慢那?


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