zhaomoyan1 发表于 2013-9-20 17:30





The Cologne University of Applied Sciences is the largest University of Applied Sciences in Germany. 16,000 students are taught by 400 professors. The offer of 12 faculties and the Institute for Tropical Technology includes about 70 courses, each about half in engineering and humanities and social sciences: from architecture, electrical and mechanical engineering, design, restoration, information science, languages and social work to business law and media computer science. The Cologne University of Applied Sciences is a full member of the Association of European Universities (EUA), it belongs to the college network and the UAS 7 Innovation Alliance of North Rhine-Westphalian universities.

Offered Study Courses
Offered Study Courses by the Faculty of Process Engineering, Energy and Mechanical Systems:

Mechanical engineering (Bachelor/3.5 years)
Energy and building technology (Bachelor/3.5 years)
Rescue engineering (Bachelor/3.5 years)
Renewable energies (Bachelor/3.5 years)
Mechanical engineering (Master/1.5 years)
Process engineering and supply engineering (Master/1.5 years)
Rescue engineering (Master/1.5 years)
Renewable energies (Master/1.5 years)
PFC (Predictive Functional Control)
Sequential control


General Information
It is a regionally based University of Applied Sciences, but at the same time it is well established internationally. Some of its domestic and international partners are other Universities, large well-known companies, innovative middle-sized firms, and independently-owned companies. About 6,500 students are enrolled at the Lemgo, Detmold, and Hoexter campuses and instructed by about 160 professors.

Subject Areas

Industrial Networks and Real Time Data Processing (EduNet involved)
Simulation and Rapid Prototyping
Computer Networks
Electronic Devices and Hardware Design
Electronic Devices and Microsystems
Discrete Systems
Information Technology
Digital Communication Systems
Real Time Systems (EduNet involved)
Electrical Machines
High Frequency Engineering
Optical Engineering
Power Electronics and Electrical Drives
Measurement Engineering
Control Engineering and Mechatronic Systems
Computer Science

Offered Study Courses
Electrical Engineering (Bachelor of Science, B.Sc., 3 years)
Mechatronics (Bachelor of Science, B.Sc., 3 years)
Computer Science (Bachelor of Science, B.Sc., 3 years)
Information Technology (Master of Science, M.Sc., 2 years)
Mechatronic Systems (Master of Science, M.Sc., 2 years)
PhD programme in coorporation with the University of Paderborn, Germany

Hamburg University of Applied Sciences

General Information

With 14,000 students Hamburg University of Applied Sciences is the second largest institution of higher education in the Hamburg region and one of the largest of its kind (university of applied sciences) in Germany. Founded in 1970, our roots go back to the 18th century. Our practice orientation guarantees a continuous adjustment of teaching based on current development. Small groups, interdisciplinary projects and academic support ensure that our students feel at home at our university.
Engineering & Computer Science, Life Sciences, Design, Media & Information, Business & Social Sciences - Hamburg University of Applied Sciences offers a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate degree programmes within its four faculties leading to the academic qualifications Bachelor and Master.
Practice orientation is our trademark: theory from lectures is put into practice in the laboratories, study projects are completed in the form of case studies, close cooperation with industry ensures a direct link to the future field of work. In many programmes students have to complete a semester-long internship in industry. In addition to an academic title, our professors worked for many years in private companies and public institutions before joining the university.

The Institute of Control Engineering as part of the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Production Management cooperates with EduNet.

Offered Course Studies
All study courses at the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Production Management:

Mechanical Engineerung Energy & Plant Systems (BSc/3,5 years)
Mechanical Engineering Development & Design (BSc/3,5 years)
Production Technology & Management (BSc/3,5 years)
Computational Systems in Mechanical Engineering (MSc/1,5 years)
Production Technology & Management (MSc/1,5 years)
Sustainable Energy Systems (MSc/1,5 years)

University of Applied Sciences Düsseldorf

General Information
The university has focussed its qualification profile to media in a special way. So every school provides its students with media competence in its specific field.

Currently 220 appointed professors as well as two professors from a foundation are teaching at the university. The teaching is supported by 220 employees. UASD has partnerships with 40 universities worldwide and very close relationships to the industry and business, aesthetic and social institutions.
The cooperation partner of EduNet is the Competence Center Automation Duesseldorf (CCAD) within the Department of Electrical Engineering.
CCAD: In the 2011 newly established Competence Center Automation Duesseldorf (CCAD), the education and research capacities in the field of automation technology are concentrated and bundled. These include the lab for measurement and control technology, the manufacturing automation lab as well as the R&D center Duesseldorf Telelaboratory (DT) and the research & training factory Fab21.
Embedded in a network with leading German industrial companies and universities from around the world, the CCAD offers practice-oriented services and training packages for teachers and lecturers in higher and vocational education on issues of automation technology. The training takes place by practical and action-oriented learning in the Fab21 on industrial-standard equipment and uses innovative teaching methods with a high employment of digital media. The CCAD is a founding member of EduNet and a member of PNO, Q-Verband and IAOE.

Offered Course Studies
All study courses at the University of Applied Sciences Duesseldorf in the Department of Electrotechnical Engineering:

Electrical engineering (Bachelor / 3.5 years)
Communication and information technology (Bachelor / 3,5 years)
Electrical engineering and information technology (Master / 2 years)
The Department of Electrical Engineering has 29 different laboratories. Important labs for the automation technology are:

Research & Training Factory Fab21
Manufacturing Automation Lab
Instrumentation & Control Lab
EduNet PLC lab
Sensor System Lab
Electrical Drives Lab

Stralsund University of Applied Sciences
General Information

Young and dynamic - that is the profile of the University of Applied Sciences, Stralsund. Since its foundation in 1991 the student body has steadily increased. At present 3000 students are enrolled in three departments:Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Business Studies and Mechanical Engineering.
In addition to teaching, research has been continuously developed. Research in engineering mainly focuses on the topics such as Renewable energy sources and Hydrogen Technology, Communication Networks, Software-technology and IT/Com Business Models, Consumer Electronics & Embedded Systems Telemetric Healthcare. As a result of a positive development some research institutes was founded:
Institute for Applied Computer Science e.V., Institute of broadband technology, Institute for Renewable Energy Systems, Institute for Applied Computer Science (IACS), Steinbeis Transfer Centre Picture Processing and Medical Informatics
Steinbeis Transfer Centre Projektion and Evaluation of IT networks
The Institute of Renewable Energy Systems and the multi-disciplinary laboratory of Integrated Energy Systems (KAE) with state-of-the-art industrial installations for the research in the field of renewable energies have developed into a highly recognized regional competence center for innovative renewable energy solutions in the northeast of Germany.
Our EduNet partner is the department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. It offers future and practice-oriented courses with the main focus on automation, renewable energy systems, communication technology, computer science an biomedical engineering. About 25 professors and 20 employees work here. To ensure a practice-oriented approach, the department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science offers numerous practicals in 30 laboratories.

Offered Course Studies
The department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Applied Sciences, Stralsund, offers the following programmes:

Electrical engineering (Bachelor /3.5 years)
Electrical engineering (Master / 1.5 years)
Medical Informatics and Biomedical Engineering (Bachelor / 3.5 years)
Medical Informatics (Master / 1.5 years)
Applied Computer Science - software development and media informatics
(Bachelor / 3.5 years)
Applied Computer Science – information and communications technology
(Bachelor / 3.5 years)
Computer Science (Master / 1.5 years)
Postgraduate Study Courses in Renewable Energies and hydrogen technology (5 months, in English language)

Future Arrangements
The Department of Electrical Engineering offers an Open Day in April every year. A lot of events provide pupils, trainees and interested teenagers with information about their educational opportunities at the university of Applied Sciences, Stralsund. Furthermore project days with regional schools and projects for pupils (hydrogen truck model) are organised. The ThaiGer-H2-Racing car team (racing car driven by fuel cell, 2007-2013), an international project for students sponsored also by Phoenix Contact, took successfully part at the Shell-Eco-Marathon 2013.
Conferences: Symposium REGWA (every year in September on different topics of renewable energies and hydrogen technology); AALE-conference for applied automation technology in tuition and development with about 150 participants in February 2013.
Spring school: “Fuell cells and hydrogen technology” for students from six countries (European intensive programme, 2 weeks in English language, European Award for SpringSchools in 2008).

Some of the 30 Laboratories of the department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science are:
Control engineering
Automation technology
Power electronics and electrical drive engineering
Electrical machines
Electronics and sensor technology
Power supply
High voltage technology
Laboratory of Integrated Energy Systems
Basics of electrical engineering and photovoltaics
Electronic technology
Microprocessor technology
Electromagnetic compatibility

Technical University Munich

General Information

Technical University Munich(TUM) is one of Europe’s top universities. It is committed to excellence in research and teaching, interdisciplinary education and the active promotion of promising young scientists. The university also forges strong links with companies and scientific institutions across the world. TUM was one of the first universities in Germany to be named a University of Excellence. In the international Shanghai Ranking (ARWU), TUM was rated the number one German university both in 2011 and 2012.

TUM spans three large sites in Bavaria: Munich, Garching, and Weihenstephan. These are home to the 13 Faculties and the university's most important research facilities. TUM is represented internationally today with locations of its own on three continents. In Singapore in 2002, it became the first German university to open a campus abroad: TUM Asia.

The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering is the largest faculty of TUM and one of the largest and most prestigous of its kind in Germany. The faculty is proud of its strong local and international networks, both to industry and academia.

The Institute of Automation and Information Systems focuses on the modeling of distributed embedded systems in automation and control regarding dependability and usability, Human Machine Interaction in process engineering and operation.

Offered Course Studies
All study courses at TUM at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering:

Bachelor's course Mechanical Engineering
Master's course of study Aerospace Engineering
Master's course of study Automotive and Cobustion Engine Technology
Master's course of study Energy and Process Engineering
Master's course of study Mechanical Engineering
Master's course of study Mechanical Engineering and Management
Master's course of study Mechatronics and Information Technology
Master's course of study Medical Technology and Engineering
Master's course of study Nuclear Technology
Master's course of study Product Development and Design
Master's course of study Production und Logistics

Future Arrangements
Automation Symposium (yearly)
Open House (yearly)

Hybid Process Model
Safty Demonstrator
Process Plant Demonstrator
Pick and Place Unit
Modular Schooling Plants

University of Lübeck

General Information
EduNet partner is the Institute of Computer Engineering (Director: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Erik Maehle) which belongs to the Department of Computer Science and Engineering. The Institute offers a broad spectrum of Bachelor and Master Courses in Computer Engineering including lab excercises. Additionally it is responsible for the application area Robotics and Automation. In research it is engaged in various projects in the fields of

mobile robotics
adaptive digital systems
cyber-physical systems
many of them financed by grants from DFG, BMBF, EU or Industry.
Offered Course Studies
Study courses at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering of the University of Lübeck:

Computer Science (Bachelor/3 years)
Medical Engineering (Bachelor/3 years)
Mathematics in Medicine and Life Sciences (Bachelor/3 years)
Medical Informatics (Bachelor/3years)
Computer Science (Master/2 years)
Medical Engineering (Master/2 years)
Mathematics in Medicine and Life Sciences (Master/2 years)
Medical Informatics (Master/2 years)

Laboratories at the Institute of Computer Engineering:

Lab for Practical Excercises
Robotics Lab
Embedded Systems Lab
Parallel Computing Lab

Current projects at the Institute of Computer Engineering at the University of Lübeck:

Organic Robot Control Architecture (ORCA)
Autonomous Underwater Robots (HANSE, MONSUN, SMART-E, Neptun)
Rehabilitation Robots for Hand Functions (mRes)
Simulation of AUVs (MARS)
Service Robotics
Hybrid Computing with FPGA and GPUs
Networks on Chips (CoNoChi)
Body Sensor Network
Programming Models for Integrated Wireless Sensor Networks (makeSense)
Semantic Service Provisioning for the Internet of Things (SPITFIRE)
Real-World G-Lab
Programmable Matter
Instantaneous.Bridge Assessment based on Sensor Network Technology (iBAST)
Cooperating Objects Network of Excellence (CONET)
Inflammation at Interfaces

Wildau Technical University of Applied Sciences

General Information

TH Wildau (founded in 1991, 4.268 students) is a modern, aspiring practice-oriented technical university of applied sciences with tradition and global outreach (NB: TH translates to technical university of applied sciences). Located on the south-east outskirts of the major European economic and cultural hub Berlin, our dynamic campus with cutting edge infrastructure advances intellectual achievements and cultivates a thrilling student life.

Academic excellence, research based education, high-tech facilities, accessible, dedicated professors, friendly administrative staff and personal attention make studying at TH Wildau attractive and rewarding.

TH Wildau continuously develops international cooperation by pursuing inter-institutional partnerships, introducing its academic programs and individual degree courses at universities abroad and by constantly increasing the number of international students.

Offered Course Studies

Mechanical Engineering (Bachelor/3 years)
Aviation Technology/ AviatIon Logistics (Bachelor/3 years)
Automation Technology (Bachelor/3.5 years) starts in autumn 2013
Mechanical Engineering (Master/2 years)
Photonics (Master/2 years)
Technical Master Logistics (Master/2 years)

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