本帖最后由 cindyprc 于 2013-4-10 23:41 编辑按:Fred Genesee 教授是加拿大McGill大学的著名语言学家,在应用语言学和双语教育领域成果颇丰。他于2007年写了这篇给双语孩子家长的建议和指导,发表在当年的Multilingual Living Magazine中。文中他针对双母语孩子(语言学中定义从出生开始规律地接触双语的孩子,或三岁之前接触并学习双语的孩子为双母语孩子)培养常见的困惑和问题提出详细的解答,如:
然后哩? 楼主中文zusammenfassung下呀 截图太小,我来拷贝原文吧,不知有多少家长能耐心看完,我会在最后写个总结。
1. Is it a good idea to raise my child bilingually?
There are many good reasons for raising children bilingually. First and foremost are personal
and family reasons. If members of the immediate family or extended family include people
who speak other languages, then it is a benefit for everyone if your child speaks their
languages. This is especially true if some family members speak only one language and might
be cut off from communication with your child if he/she does not learn their language.
The advantages of being bilingual or multilingual go beyond the family. Research has shown
that children who are fluent in two languages also have cognitive advantages in comparison
to those who speak only one language. For example, they are better at solving problems
that involve focusing on relevant information while ignoring irrelevant information. Even
bilinguals who are 60 or 70 years of age demonstrate these kinds of advantages.
Clearly, there are also advantages that come from knowing other languages when you child
is old enough to read and write and use computers. There is a wealth of information available
in print, electronic and other media nowadays. The potential for accessing all that information
is much greater for those who know more than one language and are limited for those who
know only one. Of course, knowing a language like English is important because it is the
most widely used second language in the world. It is widely used for communication about
science, politics, financial matters, education, and other topics, and is used extensively on the
internet as well as in print and on radio, television, and so on. People who speak additional
languages along with English have access to many more of these sources of information than
those who know only English.
Finally, there are many personal advantages from knowing additional languages. There
are lots of job opportunities in international businesses and governments that require
competence in two or more languages. Large international businesses need well educated
bilinguals to work in the global market place; governments need multilinguals who can
work in embassies and government offices around the world; and many other sectors of the
economy (such as education, science) have job opportunities for those who are bilingual.
Travel opportunities are also much greater for those who speak additional languages.
2. Is it normal for children to learn two languages at the same time?
Based on the number of children around the world who are raised speaking more than one
language, bilingual acquisition is probably more “normal” than monolingualism. It has been
estimated that there may be more children who grow up learning two or more languages
than children who learn only one. More importantly, there is no scientific reason to think
that young infants’ brains are equipped to learn only one language in early childhood. In
fact, there has been a lot of research on infants and young children who are learning two
languages from birth, and these studies show that children go through the same basic
milestones in language acquisition as those who learn only one language. Bilingual children
begin to babble at the same time as monolingual children; they say their first words at the
same age as monolingual children; they start to produce multi-word sentences at the same
time; and so on.
There are differences, of course, between bilingual and monolingual children. The learning
task for bilinguals is much more complex and this sometimes may result in short delays or
small differences in learning. For example, studies have found that 15 month old infants
learning two languages may be delayed by 2 or 3 months in their ability to distinguish new
words that that sound similar to each other (e.g., “bit” vs. “bet”) in comparison to monolingual
children. But, in the long run, this short delay has an insignificant effect on bilingual children’s
overall learning. In fact, researchers suggest that this delay may be helpful for children who
hear and must learn words from two languages with different sounds and sounds. It is a kind
of flexibility that leaves them open to the greater diversity of words in two languages than
monolinguals hear in only one.
Bilinguals can differ from monolinguals even into adulthood – they may pronounce
words in slightly different ways; they may use unusual words from time to time; or they may
construct sentences in different ways at times. Simply put, bilinguals have more language
skills at their disposal and they use them in ways that may distinguish them from people who
know only one language.
4. Should I worry if my child mixes languages?
Mixing languages in the same sentences or conversations
is perfectly normal – all bilinguals do it, even adults. This
phenomenon has been studied extensively in children and
adults. Research on children has shown that most bilingual
children keep their languages separate most of the time.
When they mix it is often to fill in gaps in their vocabulary
in one or the other language. Bilingual children rarely know
exactly the same words in both languages and, as a result,
they might use a word from one language while speaking
the other language because they do not know the word in
the language they are using. Sometimes bilingual children
mix words in their two languages because there are specific
concepts or meanings that can be expressed easily in one
language but not the other. If a child wants to express that
meaning or concept, she will have to use the word from
the language that it belongs to even if it means mixing
languages. In most cases, this strategy works because
often the adults in the child’s life know both languages
too. As bilingual children get older, they mix in order to
express their bilingual identity when they are with other
bilinguals. Bilingual adolescents and adults often mix with
other bilinguals because it is who they are. In the same way,
people who speak specific dialects of a language will use
that dialect with others who speak it in order to express
their common identity. Mixing does not mean that children
are confused or impaired; they are simply using all of their
language resources to express themselves.
Yet other research on code-mixing by children has shown
that even their mixed sentences are grammatically correct
most of the time. For example, if a child inserts a word from
one language saying something in the other language,
he will insert the word in a place in the sentence that is
grammatically correct according to both languages. Or if
a child switches from one language to the other partway
through a sentence, she will do it at a point in the sentencedo not break the grammatical rules of either language when
they mix languages. This is also true of adult bilinguals.
5. Will my child’s language learning be delayed
because he/she has to cope with two languages at
the same time?
Research shows that bilingual children go through most of
the major milestones in language development – babbling,
first words, and grammatical development, at the same age
as monolingual children, IF THEY ARE GIVEN ADEQUATE
EXPOSURE TO BOTH LANGUAGES. Research indicates that
when children divide their learning time equally between
their two languages – that is, 50% exposure to one language
and 50% to the other, their two languages develop like
that of monolingual children for the most part. However,
bilingual children may show delayed or even incomplete
development in one of their languages if their exposure to
that language is too limited. It is clear that children learning
two languages at the same time do not need as much
exposure to each language as monolingual children get for
their one. However, there is a minimum level of exposure
below which the development of that can be delayed and
incomplete. We do not have solid scientific evidence to tell
us what that minimum amount of exposure is. Our best
guess at this time is that bilingual children must be exposed
to a language during at least 30% of their total language
exposure if their acquisition of that language is to proceed
normally. Less exposure than this could result in incomplete
acquisition of that language.
It is common to find that the vocabulary of preschool
bilingual children is less than that of monolingual children if
you examine each language separately, even if the bilingual
child’s exposure to both languages is divided equally
(50:50). However, if you examine their total vocabulary
in both languages by counting all words for different
concepts regardless of what language they are in, bilingual
children have vocabularies that are the same size or even
larger than those of monolingual children. Early differences
in vocabulary between bilingual and monolingual children
may be due to several factors, none of which are signs of
deficit or impairment. For example, all children have limited
memory capacities and, thus, all children initially have
limited vocabularies. Because bilingual children must share
their limited memory with two languages, they can store
fewer words in each language than monolingual children,
but the same number, or more words when you consider
both languages. Another explanation of bilingual children’s
smaller vocabularies in each language is related to the
learning environment. Many bilingual children do not have
totally equivalent vocabularies in both languages because
they often learn each language from different people and/
or in different settings. If these people talk about different
things, the child will learn vocabulary in each that is specific
to what is being talked about. This can persist even into
adulthood and represents a relatively minor problem for
most bilinguals.
6. Will my child’s grammar suffer?
As we have already seen, bilingual children who have
adequate exposure to both languages exhibit the same
pattern of grammatical development as monolingual
children and they go through the various stages of
grammatical development as monolingual children.
They also can keep their two grammars separate so
that they avoid using the grammar of one language
while speaking the other language. Children who get
too little exposure to one of their languages may not
acquire complete grammatical competence in that
language and, in these cases, they may use the grammar
of their stronger language to express themselves in
their weaker language. This is often the case for children
who acquire a second language in school. Of course,
the level of sophistication that children acquire in the
grammar of each language will depend on the level of
sophistication of the language that people around them
use. This means that it is a good idea for parents, other
caregivers, educators, and others in the community to
provide enriched as well as continuous exposure in each
7. Should we use the one-parent, one-language
(OP/OL) rule in our home?
Parents are often told that they should use the oneparent,
one-language rule in the home because it ensures
that their children will not get confused by hearing their
parents use both languages at the same time. There is
no evidence that following this rule helps children keep
their two languages separate. As was said before, as long
as most people in the child’s life use only one language
at a time, the child will also learn to keep their two
languages separate. The one-parent, one-language rule
is a useful strategy for parents to use with their children
to ensure that their children get adequate exposure to
both languages; otherwise, there might be a tendency
to favor one language over the other. The OP/OL rule
helps to make sure that this does not happen.
In some families, the OP/OL rule may not be the best
strategy. For example, if one of the languages the child
is learning is not spoken by anyone outside the family,
then it may be a good idea for both parents to use
only that language. This will ensure that the child gets
sufficient exposure to it to acquire it well. If children go to
daycares or pre-schools where the societally-dominant
language is used or of if they have neighborhood friends
who speak the societal language, they will get lots of
exposure to the societal language. As a result, they will
most certainly acquire full competence in that language
because everyone around them uses it. Emphasizing
the non-societal language in the home may be the
best strategy to adopt in families that speak a minority
language that is not widely used outside the home.
8. What about children with language impairment?
Is it a good idea for them to learn two languages
at the same time?
Children with language impairment are children who
have difficulty acquiring the vocabulary, grammar and
conversational skills of language in comparison to
typically developing children. These children’s learning
difficulty is restricted to language learning because they
usually have normal cognitive development, no obvious
neurological impairments, and normal socio-emotional
and perceptual development. Children with language
impairment often experience difficulty and even failure
in school because the linguistic demands in school are
too great. It is commonly thought that children with
language impairment should only learn one language
because learning two exceeds their language learning
capacity and could result in even greater impairments
and delays.
We do not have as much research on children with
language impairment who are raised bilingually as we
would like. However, the research evidence that we do
have suggests that children with language impairment
can become learn and use two languages fluently
despite their impairment. They exhibit language
impairments in both languages, but their impairmentsare of the same nature and magnitude as those of
monolingual children with impairment. At the same
time, they develop proficiency in two languages. At
present, there is no scientific evidence to suggest that
children with language impairment should be limited to
only one language on the grounds that this will facilitate
their language learning and avoid language difficulties.
Raising children with language impairment bilingually is
especially important in families and communities where
knowing two languages is important and where not
knowing one of the languages would restrict the child’s
interactions with other family members or with members
of their community.
9. Are there circumstances when raising children
bilingually is not a good idea?
It may not be a good idea to raise children bilingually
if parents cannot provide the learning environment
that is needed to support the development of both
languages. For example, take a family for whom English
is the dominant language of both parents and they live
in a community where another language is spoken. If
they are living in this community for only a short period
of time because one of the parents has a short-term job
placement there, it may not be worthwhile for the child to
learn the new language since they will not have enough
exposure to the language to really learn it. Recall that
children need long term exposure to language if they are
to develop full competence.
In a related vein, raising children bilingually may not
be advisable if exposure to one of the languages is going
to be interrupted or inconsistent – because the family
moves a lot or because of changes in the composition
of the family that will result in a loss of someone who is
the primary speaker of that language. Young children
often react badly to inconsistent or irregular exposure to
language; they like consistency. Thus, if parents decide to
raise their child bilingually, they should do so only if they
can provide continuous and extended exposure to both
Also, it may not be a good idea to raise children
bilingually if at least one parent or child caregiver in
the family does not speak each language fluently. In
such cases, the parents may lack sufficient competence
to provide the enriched language exposure the child
needs to develop full competence. If there is a child
caregiver who can supplement the parents’ use of their
weaker language and if that caregiver is with the child
for sufficient periods of time during the week, then the
parent’s incomplete competence in the language may
not be so serious.
In sum, it is not a good idea to start raising children
bilingually if you cannot keep it going or if you lack the
linguistic competence yourself to nurture your child’s
language development. This caution does not apply
to children who are attending bilingual or immersion
programs where a second language is used for instruction
for an extended period of time. These programs are
very effective ways of helping your children become
10. What do I need to do to make sure my child will
learn both languages fully?
As we have seen, learning two languages in infancy
and early childhood is as natural as learning only one
language. Young children have the capacity to acquire
full competence in two languages. While this is true, it is
also true that the level of competence and the range of
competencies that children acquire in each of their two
languages depend critically on the learning environment.
Children need continuous, sustained, and enriched
exposure to both languages if they are to acquire full
competence in both. Parents must take whatever steps
they need to ensure that their child is actively exposed to
both languages preferably on a daily basis for a sustained
and continuous time period. Active exposure means that
children not only hear other people using each language,
but they are actively involved in using each language.
Children with only passive exposure to language, by
overhearing adults for example, or watching TV, will
not develop the ability to use the language proficiently.
If children are to develop competence expressing
themselves in two languages, they must be actively
engaged in using both languages with others who know
those languages.
Motivating children to use both languages can
sometimes be the biggest challenge in raising children
bilingually. This is especially true when it comes to using
a language that is not used widely outside the home.
Often young children prefer to use the language that
other children around them are using and they mayhesitate to use the “family” language if it is not used by their friends.
In these cases, parents must devise strategies to motivate their
child to use the language – for example, by creating playgroups
with other children who speak the language or by visiting relatives
who speak the language. Otherwise, the child may not see the
value in using it and may even feel embarrassed using it. Parents
should not be discouraged if children do not use both languages
early in development. Some children, even monolingual children,
take longer to get started and are not as vocal as other children. It
does not mean that switching to only one language is advisable.
Patience and effort will pay off when children grow up and have the
benefits of being bilingual. 总之,双母语的孩子在很多方面是有优势的,比如在认知方面,解决问题时,获取信息上,工作机会上等等都是更有优势的。据估计,世界上双母语的孩子比单母语孩子更多,没有证据显示双母语比单母语更不科学。研究表明,双语的孩子在语言发育进程中是与单语孩子同样顺序经历一些阶段的,可能会因双重任务而导致进程稍微延迟,但长期来说是没有不良影响的。成年以后双语的孩子在语言技能方面会很有特色,会用多样的方式处理语言。研究显示,在孩子很小的时候就会分开使用两种语言,就算有时一句话里混合使用两种语言也不用太大惊小怪,混合使用语言并不代表孩子语言学习产生混乱了,这只是双语人在调动所有资源来表达自己,只是因为在某一语言中找不到合适的词汇,而用另一语来填补空缺。但家长一定要注意自己不能混着说,这样会让孩子照着学。
语言学习会不会慢一拍,关键在于是否足够接触了双语,并且是主动接触。也就是说,不能只输入不输出,不能只听不说。另外,输入的质量会决定输出质量。保证持续,反复,充分的语言接触是双语家长需注意的。 如果感兴趣,还可以关注如下文章:
Baker, C.(2000). A Parent's and Teachers' Guide to Bilingualism. Clevedon, Eng.: Multilingual Matters
Bilingual Family Newsletter.
Genesee, F., Paradis, J., & Crago, M. (2004). Dual Language Development and Disorders. Baltimore, Maryland: Brookes.
Marcos, K. (2000). Promoting a Language Proficient Society: What You Can Do.
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