demguten 发表于 2012-1-24 11:45



大家好,我现在在德国学习,从我教授处得知,德国赫尔姆特•施密特大学(Helmut Schmidt University,原名为德国汉堡国防大学)有一个博士职位空缺。只招一个人,学制预计三年,有全奖,给生活费。要求基本如下,有兴趣的同学可以争取一下。

1。硕士毕业,专业方向如下:电子工程(Electrical Engineering),计算工程(Computational Engineering),计算物理(Computational Physics),或应用物理(Applied Physics)。
2。有以下方面背景经验或特别兴趣的会特别考虑:高频工程(High-Frequency Engineering),计算电磁学(Computational Electromagnetics),数值模拟(Numerical Modelling)。

具体的研究课题,以及我上面提到的一些东西在下面这个具体描述里都有,我就不给你们翻译了。按照里面的联系方式发简历吧,有问题可以问 Prof. Dr. Fickenscher。也就是你未来的头头教授了。这个人我认得,一起吃过几次饭,人很和善,年纪不大,大概40左右吧,长得也很德国帅哥,对工作很严谨,但对学生们很人性化。



At the Helmut-Schmidt-University, Hamburg (HSU HH) in the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Chair for High-Frequency Engineering, prospective applications are invited for a

position for a PhD.

The position is for 3 years, starting from 02/2012 or after. The Ideal candidates need to have a university level master degree either in Electrical Engineering, Computational Engineering, Computational Physics or Applied Physics. A specific background or special interest in High-Frequency Engineering, Computational Electromagnetics and Numerical Modelling would be highly regarded. Candidates should have the ability and interest to work in a team-oriented research environment.

The research project focuses on the coexistence of wind turbines and wind farms with terrestrial radio link systems. Of particular interest is the impact of the reflection and scattering as well as diffraction due to the turbine structure and rotating blades on the degradation of the radio link performance. Time variant channel models based on path simulations have to be carried out using 3D numerical field solver.

The scientific activities at HSU involve application driven research projects with funding from industry as well as from German Research Foundation (DFG) and the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). The Chair for High-Frequency Engineering ( provides an excellent working environment with a young, dynamic and international team of active researchers and excellent equipment. More information is available at Adj. Ass. Prof. (Griffith Univ.) Thomas Fickenscher, Tel. +49- 40-6541-2770,

The salary of the position corresponds to 2/3 Entgeltgruppe 13 TVöD. The Helmut-Schmidt-University Hamburg offers a friendly campus atmosphere and excellent facilities that will help you achieve your research goal. The university offers equal opportunities to employees and specifically invites application from qualified female scientific researchers. Severely handicapped applicants with same qualification will be equally treated. More information about the university can be found at .

Lucas80 发表于 2012-1-24 14:04


ottorzx 发表于 2012-1-24 14:29

Lucas80 发表于 2012-1-24 14:04 static/image/common/back.gif

2/3 Entgeltgruppe 13 TVöD = 有全奖,给生活费?

harryzs 发表于 2012-1-24 14:39

LS各位,我猜测LZ的意思是: 博士没有学费(应该全德国都没有,我还真没有听过读博士要交学费的,最多交个注册费),这个位置是签合同的,算工作,工资是按照2/3 Entgeltgruppe 13 TVöD 给。

orionsnow 发表于 2012-1-25 00:17


annis 发表于 2012-1-25 00:48


demguten 发表于 2012-1-25 00:50

harryzs 发表于 2012-1-24 14:39 static/image/common/back.gif
LS各位,我猜测LZ的意思是: 博士没有学费(应该全德国都没有,我还真没有听过读博士要交学费的,最多交个注 ...

对,就是这个意思。 谢谢你的解释。{:5_342:}
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