SEP 发表于 2005-2-12 10:12


我新装的suse 9.2, 有下面几个问题
1. suse 有自带的中文输入法吗?
2.有类似金山词霸一样的翻译软件under linux吗?

oUo 发表于 2005-2-13 09:03

Originally posted by SEP at 2005-2-12 05:12 PM:
我新装的suse 9.2, 有下面几个问题
1. suse 有自带的中文输入法吗?
2.有类似金山词霸一样的翻译软件under linux吗?
1. 中文输入法(linux) : SCIM =>>
2. use Dictionary Extension in firefox or Mozilla with

Gcc 发表于 2005-2-14 17:58

SuSE 9.2 里已经带有中文输入法了。很好用。。

SEP 发表于 2005-2-14 18:06

Originally posted by Gcc at 2005-2-14 05:58 PM:
SuSE 9.2 里已经带有中文输入法了。很好用。。
can you tell me exactly?

SEP 发表于 2005-2-14 21:11

found it!
thanks oUo and Gcc!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you are great

oUo 发表于 2005-2-14 23:24

you're welcome!
I hope we can exchange more experience on uning Suse and other Linux...
It is a pity we chinese have not so much involed in linux development and programming, if browsing the web.
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