orionsnow 发表于 2011-8-25 14:11

关于whereby 的用法

本帖最后由 orionsnow 于 2011-8-25 15:22 编辑

我老板是德国人,whereby 好像是个很德国特色的英语词


n 阶段(选择)之后, 收益期望就可以被计算出来了。 这个是主要要表达的。

计算收益期望的时候呢,要注意,每个阶段的选择阈值和方差是变化的。 这句话不要强调,是作为第一句的一个补充提醒。


After n stages, the expected gain must be calculated whereby, the cut off points and error variance in each stage are different.

ikbenkoko 发表于 2011-8-25 22:34

whereby 的意思等同于 by which. 你的句子里用whereby 不合适。 must 是必须的意思,你的中文是可以计算。我的建议如下:

After n stages, the expected gain could be calculated. It should be paid attention to that the cut off points and error variance of each stage vary when the expected gain is calculated.

卖汤圆 发表于 2011-8-26 20:20


卖汤圆 发表于 2011-8-26 20:21

in... stage也不是用在这儿的……

卖汤圆 发表于 2011-8-26 20:27

ikbenkoko 发表于 2011-8-25 23:34 static/image/common/back.gif
whereby 的意思等同于 by which. 你的句子里用whereby 不合适。 must 是必须的意思,你的中文是可以计算。我 ...

After n stages, the expected gain could be calculated in this way. One should note that the cut-off points and error variance vary at each stage.

brauns 发表于 2011-8-27 20:23

本帖最后由 brauns 于 2011-8-28 14:25 编辑

After n stages, the expected gain should be calculated, where the cut off points and error variance in each stage are different.

where=in which, which=previous sentence

温文江湖 发表于 2011-9-23 22:22

本帖最后由 温文江湖 于 2011-9-23 23:22 编辑

whereby = wodurch
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