How Well Are Bones Designed to Resist Fracture?
Because bone is obviously in some way adapted to the loads falling on it and because fracture is usually the failure of mechanical competence of main clinical importance, it is often thought that bones are adapted to resist fracture. In this perspective, I consider that this may not be the case. Bones may be designed to be very stiff, and therefore highly mineralized, and therefore brittle; they may be adapted to normal loads, but not to the characteristic loads occurring in falls, or may be very poorly designed to stop cracks traveling once they have started. Bones may also potentially fail in completely contrasting modes, and therefore their design has to be a compromise that does not resist either mode completely successfully. The greatly differing fracture incidences in different bones seen in pre-senile adults suggest that safety factors have been adapted, over evolutionary time, to produce the best compromise for a host of different design constraints.(J Bone Miner Res 2003;18:591-598) 人类究竟是进化来的,还是创造的呢?$选哪个$$怕怕$ 老哥,用德语! Originally posted by yeti at 2005-1-10 12:42:
bone and muscle fibre有德语资料吗?怎么老师只给了我英语的资料。komisch?
Revolution oder Schöpfung?:( 好在我的德国同学帮助了我,她把英语翻译成德语了。:):lol: 那就传上来吧,让我们都看看 Originally posted by yeti at 2005-1-10 13:30:
这是知识,如果我都发上来可能会被人利用。为了满足你的愿望我准备在2008北京奥运之后给你看看。tut mir aber äußest leid.:P