handaguang 发表于 2011-3-16 16:29


Further information:
Informations about the Institute:
The Institute of Geodesy consists of a highly motivated team in the research field of
Engineering Geodesy and (geodetic) Industrial Measurements. This comprises especially sensors networks for the monitoring of landslides or artificial objects with the aid of terrestrial and satellite based methods.
In the field of Industrial Measurements one key aspect of activity is the sensor integration for multi sensor platforms in rail surveying, robot calibration and (kinematic) terrestrial laserscanning.
The institute performs applied research with a highly practical relevance of the projects. This can be assured with good contacts to industrial companies and with the scientific guidance of larger engineering projects in close collaboration with companies.
Profile and helpful interests:
The possible candidate should have a background and interest in the field of geodesy and/or surveying. Best is he/she has experience in engineering geodesy and/or geodetic industrial measurements. The projects require team work and (basic) knowledge in one programming language (e.g., Matlab, Labview, C#, C++, etc.).
The communication language is either English or German.

Mr.5 发表于 2011-3-18 22:08


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