关于VBL和VBL extra
大家好,我看大家说短期工作VBL可以免除,于是就问了一下我们人事,结果她说我如果申请免除VBL就必须要入另外一个VBL extra并且给了我一个表(Anmeldung zur Freiwilligen Versicherung VBLextra nach $28 und $82 VBLS).我的问题是这两个保险我自己要交的钱是一样多呢?还是有差别,差别是多少? VBL我们可以从TvÖd上算出来,这个VBLextra从哪里可以知道要交多少呢?我看以前的帖子感觉大家都是申请免除了VBL,并没有另外入这个extra。这extra是必须入吗?请教高人解答一下!多谢! 别怪我挖坟,我有和你一样的问题,今天收到信,说雇主去年给我交了1000多的VBLextra,这个是不是所有没选VBL都要“被”交的? extra只有雇主交钱,你不用交的.如果不入VBL就必须入VBLextra。不过既然你不用交,也就随便了。 VBL extra
这个没有听过。 以前就有么? 这个问题我后来打电话问过管VBL的公司,实际上在交钱的数量上没有区别,也是雇主交一部分,你自己还要交一部分,唯一的区别在于VBL extra在你退休后也可以按月领一点点儿钱。但VBL是必须交够60个月(记不清是不是这个数字了)才能领的。我是用英语和工作人员交流的,大家有懂德语的也可以打电话confirm 一下。希望大家可以把这个问题搞清楚,造福后来人。
回复 3# admirewhat 这个问题我后来打电话问过管VBL的公司,实际上在交钱的数量上没有区别,也是雇主交一部分,你自己还要交一部 ...
fengs 发表于 2011-4-21 21:55 http://www.dolc.de/forum/images/common/back.gif
我觉得VBL应该得到的多。我新合同开始的第一个月,保险是VBL,单位给每个月交400多,后来取消了,变成了VBL extra,单位每个月就只给交100多了。感觉应该还是VBL在退休后拿的钱多。
看来得需要确认一下。不知道有没有同学知道的更多 On point i) it seems to say you have to take VBLspezial if you don't take VBLextra and on point ii) it says yes you have no entitlement to a pension if you don't reach 60 months contributions to be entitled to a pension; my information is that you lose the lot.
1 Exemption from compulsory insurance
Employees working in short-term scientific positions in academia or research can be exempted from VBL compulsory insurance (Section 2 (2) of the ATV / Section 28 (1) of the terms and conditions for compulsory insurance with VBL (VBLS)). However, you will only be eligible for exemption if you cannot fulfil the qualifying period of 60 months of contribution/premium payments (Beitrags-/Umlagemonate) before your contract of employment terminates (Section 34 (1) of the VBLS) and if you previously had no compulsory insurance with VBL or another public-sector supplementary pension provider.
It is necessary that you apply for exemption from compulsory insurance yourself. You have to file your application via your employer within two months of starting your job. Your employer will check whether you meet the requirements for exemption from compulsory insurance.
2 Registration for voluntary insurance
If you are exempted from compulsory insurance, your employer has to enrol you in the voluntary VBLextra insurance instead. Your employer files the application to VBL scheme on your behalf and is therefore the policyholder for the voluntary insurance.
The voluntary insurance substitutes compulsory insurance. So VBLextra provides the same coverage as compulsory insurance. Therefore it is not possible to exclude incapacity coverage or surviving dependants’ insurance.
Unlike with compulsory insurance, you do not have to have accrued 60 months of contribution/premium payments (Beitrags-/Umlagemonate) in order to be entitled to receive an occupational pension. Provided your employer has paid the necessary contributions, you will be entitled to a pension as soon as the insured event occurs. This means that VBLextra provides scientific employees with a retirement pension without a qualifying period.
Unlike compulsory insurance, however, voluntary insurance does not include social components such as additional pension points while you are on parental leave or periods during which you are incapacitated. Furthermore, the age factor table for voluntary insurance was adjusted to the maximum projected interest rate for voluntary insurance at VBL of 2.75 % on 1 January 2004. The guaranteed benefits from voluntary insurance are therefore lower than from compulsory insurance, but they are available for people who do not meet the qualifying period requirement.